THE PULSE VOL 06 | Page 3

Taking on the role as the new CEO

of Azentio Software is both an honor and a responsibility that I don’t take lightly. As I complete my first month in this pivotal role, it’s clear that there’s a rich legacy of achievement to honor and immense potential to tap into. I deeply admire the transformative work Tony Kinnear has done in elevating the business in his tenure. His remarkable feat of merging four disparate companies into a unified Azentio has left an indelible mark. Though his daily presence will be missed, his wisdom will continue to guide us, as he transitions to a role on our Board of Directors. I’m eager to collaborate with each one of you to ensure a smooth handover of leadership.

I’m already struck by the extraordinary talent, enthusiasm, and dedication that fill the corridors of Azentio. There’s an authentic sense of being intrinsically tied to our mission here—a unique asset that we should never take for granted.

However, I am acutely aware that the industry we operate in is subject to rapidly changing regulatory environments, economic flux, and shifting customer expectations. As the market continues to evolve, it’s crucial for us to be agile and recalibrate our strategies to realize our vision. I’m devoted to building on Tony’s initiatives of open dialogue and customer-centric approaches, to guide us in achieving collective success.

To our esteemed clients, your sustained trust and partnership with Azentio are invaluable. As we embark on this new chapter together, I look forward to unlocking new horizons and helping you evolve into organizations that are prepared for whatever the future holds.

The opportunity to lead a forward- thinking company like Azentio, that is impacting lives on a global scale, is truly exhilarating. Rest assured, we’ll keep pushing the boundaries in delivering cutting-edge, customer-focused software solutions. With the combined talents and energies of our team, there’s no limit to what we can accomplish. Onward we go.


| Note from Azentio New CEO

Sanjay Singh

Chief Executive Officer